Art Superstar


Get creative with Drishti from Life-athon

Drishti Dutta-Vomstein
Artist, Blogger, Illustrator

Have you always been creative and what’s the earliest work you can remember creating?

I have definitely been creative since I was a kid. I have grown up to watch my mum and my aunts create amazing artwork. That has always been an inspiration for me. I have some of my earliest memories of using my crayons to create little birthday and new year cards for my school friends and teachers. I still try to keep up this good practice of making handmade cards for all my near and dear ones.

What's your studio like and how do you keep organised?

I work out of my home, we moved here two months ago and I am slowly trying to craft it into my dream workspace. Its pretty functional and bright in here and thats keeps me cheerful while I work. I have drawers and cabinets allocated for my inks, colors and papers. However I keep certain tools at arm’s reach right on my desk. I like to go back and forth between my work surface and my computer very frequently so I keep my laptop right on my desk.

Where do you look for inspiration?

Inspiration is everywhere for me. From nature to Instagram!! From street to Pinterest!!

Whats in your pencil case / camera bag?

The top drawer of my desk has : My art Journal , a couple of pens and pencils, sharpener, eraser, black indian ink, nibs and paper towels.

Any tips for someone suffering from creative block?

Take a pause for the cause. Relax and unwind and ideas will flow in automatically after a while. Otherwise there’s always Pinterest or Instagram.

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

I love to escape into the nature from time to time. I go for walks and hikes regularly with my husband.
I also love interior decoration and trying out different styles for my home. This has inspired the home styling section on my blog!

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I'm so glad to have been asked to be an Art Superstar. Such an honor!! I hope people will enjoy these tutorials as much as I do creating them ! You can also follow me on Instagram @lifeathon for a daily dose of my creations and to catch some actions behind the scene.

Make sure to follow Life-athon on

Drishti Dutta-Vomstein
  • false Drawing
  • false Painting
  • false Photography
  • false Mixed-Media
  • false Sculpting
  • false Comic / Manga
  • false Installation
  • false
  • false

What's your favorite...

TV Show
"Friends" will always be an all time favourite. However currently I am a big fan of "House of Cards"
XX , Maroon 5
Pretty Woman
Magazine / Book
Flow Magazine
Vincent Van Gogh(Classic). Molly Suber Thorpe, Lindsey Bugbee, Zakkiya Hamza ( recent)
Tool or Product You Couldn't Live Without
My art journal and a Micron Pen