Knit & Crochet Superstar

DesigningVashti Crochet

Stitch along with Vashti from DesigningVashti Crochet

Vashti Braha
Tampa Bay, Florida
Designer and Teacher

When did you first start knitting / crocheting and where did you learn?

I learned both by the time I was ten, from my mother. I remember when I learned crochet that it felt like a superpower--a world opened up where I could see how to make anything from start to end.

Can you remember the first thing you made?

A bunch of granny squares that I crocheted together into a baby bunting for my sister's doll.

Who are your favourite pattern designers and celebrity knitters & crocheters?

Well my pal Doris Chan for starters. I have 202 designers favorited in other places on the web!

What are your favourite things to stitch and do you have a favorite item you've made?

Ethereal layers to construct and wear multiple ways. Asymmetrical or offbeat things. Jewelry. Toys. Experiments with lesser-used stitches and techniques and materials.

My single favorite item: "Princess Star Swath" (not yet published. It's like crochet from another planet to me. It's the top right image in my newsletter:

What music/podcasts/TV shows do you love to stitch along to?

TV: Lost Girl, Fargo, Call the Midwife.

Music when I need to write the pattern as I crochet it: French pop, bossa nova, early baroque, Japanese oldies.

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

Calligraphy, card making.
I used to sew, weave, and embroider but stopped when I had a baby.

Vashti Braha
  • false Clothes
  • false Bags
  • false Hats
  • false Shawls
  • false Jewellery
  • false Socks
  • false Toys
  • false Homeware
  • false Blankets

What's your favorite...

TV Show
Lost GIrl
Bebel Gilberto
Longboat Key
Groundhog Day
Mists of Avalon
velvety, shimmering rose
Yarn Brand
DesigingVashti ;-)
Places To Knit/Crochet