124 replies since 15th September 2011 • Last reply 15th September 2011

I will, i need to type it up from the recipe book, although im not sure if one of the ingredients can be found across the pond. evaporated milk?
i got libbys recipe yesterday.

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got libbys today Happy

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I'm quite sure evaporated milk can be found in Italy... not very easily though. Maybe you could suggest a replacement?

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I've got no idea what it would be replaced with, the recipe is very old, 30+ years.

upon googling a substitute i found that it is there to make a recipe creamier, it is milk with 60% of the water evaporated. a substitute is:
2/3 cup non-fat dry milk
3/4 cup water
Mix the water and dry milk powder together. Then, use in place of the evaporated milk in any recipe.
Yield: 1 cup (8 ounces)

so how common is dry milk?

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I know I can get evaporated milk.... I have A tin in my cuppord Happy

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Can confirm Condensed and evaporated milk are available in US.

Last night The Teen team went undefeated and top of league in Waterpolo.Coach requested her fav muffins.
I've just made my first ever batch of Pumpkin and Choc Chip muffins.They are yummy.

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ah good, you can all make my recipe then Tongue ;)

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sounds number

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hahahah I wrote number XD I meant Good, I'm talking on the phone with my stepdaughter on the phone and she said number just as I was typing that XDDD

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hahahah I wrote number XD I meant Good, I'm talking on the phone with my stepdaughter on the phone and she said number just as I was typing that XDDD

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@Libby, I tried your recipe and loved it! I had enough to last me three meals and each day it seemed to get tastier and more flavoursome. Its a really good dish, easy to make and I'm sure I'll be using it again! I liked the way you presented it too Happy

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mine went out today with a bracelet to libby and one to cassie for the bracelet swap. got a bit annoyed at the P.O. man not asking me how i wanted to send stuff and just assuming first class >.<

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Glad you liked Tamara. I did the same as you- ate it for 3 days and still loved it. I thought it would be a good meal for families too.

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So far, I've gotten Mary's from Italy, Tamara's from London, and Libby's from Worcester. Will post some pics of the packages soon...and what I end up making with them! Happy And in the meantime, thanks everybody for making this an awesome swap so far. I'm really enjoying being a part of it. Let me know when you receive your recipes from me--I *JUST* got them in the mail today--older sister's wedding (NEXT WEEKEND!! AAK!!) ate my life this month. Sorry everyone for the procrastination, but I truly hope you all enjoy your packages from me. =^..^= ~

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I got your recipe card and bracelet, Nikki! Thanks hun. I'll post a piccie of the bracelet on the bracelet board, when I have time.

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