Story swap

Ok so i had a awsome idea from what my family and myself did when i was growing up. Where One of us would start a story and we would pass it from person to person adding to the story until it got back to the first person who would finish it, I propose that i send out to one person a Giant Envolpe with 60 pages in it, 59 of them will be blank and They fill up ONE Page front and back of how ever they want the story to go. And then they send it out to somone else until there is no more pages. In which case the last person sends it back to me and then i will post the story for all to read.

1.Nothing that is not rated PG 13 (i mean it) cause there might be kids reading this.LOL

2. You have to get a new box when you send it out, It wont cost much if you do what i will do and send it through the flat rate boxes, trust me.

3.You can only use one sheet of paper front and back.

4.If you see someone did not use all of the page, please use it if you can i dont like wasting trees. Just make sure that i can determine whos is whos writing

5.HAVE FUN go any way you want, one person might want funny one person might want fantasy use your imagination

6. You have to send it back out to the next person with in two weeks cause if its sent over seas it will be a while befor the next person gets its

I hope we get to do this i think it will be awsome I cant wait to read it.

Lots of love and Laughter Pirate Teensy

2:28pm the next day PS. Ok so i just went to game challenges and it looks like someone has alredy started this idea (sad face)
how ever i think that would be a neet idea if we changed it in some way, like each person who sends it on sends somthing to the next person a picture of how there view the story or a momento of what they put into the story for that person to keep. If you have any ideas let me now.


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8 replies since 14th August 2010 • Last reply 14th August 2010

OH yaeh and i will keep tabs on it as it goes

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HI Tan-OOPS! I mean Teensy!! Yeah, I know her ^! I totally recruited her *puffs out chest*

This is a cute idea! And for now, go look on the Craft Challenges board, there are a bunch of funny games you can do. I made one, but I don't see it...

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I really hope this works out (Hopful face)OHappy

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I think this is a great ideal and I'm up for it. Happy

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Coool im super excited, i already have a story started all i have to do is make the gift. when your ready to start just let me now and when you get it you keep it until you get some one to give it to, i hope thats ok with you?

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okay, that will work fine with me. I'll send you my infro ok. A writing we shall go! Happy

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awsome i await the info and will have it sent off in about one week that will be when i'v made your story momento ;)

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dear everone who may have been interested in this project i wish to tell you that im sorry for cancleing on you this project but i can not go on with so few i will be trying to do this same swap again very soon, thank very much

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