super scarf swap!!

64 replies since 3rd August 2010 • Last reply 3rd August 2010

Sorry, didn't get a chance to log on over the weekend. yes, that works for me - as long as you don't mind a while til the send out date Patricia as I'm pretty busy. Me and Keira had agreed to see how it goes and keep each other updated on progress, would that work for you?

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Can't believe I missed this one! Love scarves. Fingers crossed for a round 2 Happy

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DIYER4Life I have finished your scarf and it will ship out Tuesday. Keep an eye out for it in the mail. Happy Later!

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Wow that was quick!!! And definitely consider round 2 Happy

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It's too late, isn't it?

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DIY how's it going?

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Hey Keira! I'm almost done with mine... it's so cute and colourful.

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Okay, there's been a slight change of plans. Seems like Keira bailed on me so I have changed partners with a girl she was also partnered up with in the wizard of oz swap.

How is everyone doing on their swap, if you have finished we'd love to see some pictures!!

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Is it too late to join this? If so, will there be another round? I adore scarfs, and could use a new one since fall is rolling around! I'd love to make one too...i've already got some fabrics in mind..Happy

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Here is a spoiler Happy

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Oooh, it looks lovely! All excited now! Hope you love my Wizard of Oz pieces too, EVEnl! I'm glad we sought eachother out for our rather random swap ^^

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I haven't received yet..
About to ship off!

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I got a beautiful scarf in the post from EVEnl! I wish I had a camera... But it's like a lovely big marshmallow ^^

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EVEnl, from what I can tell from the teaser, your scarf looks great! I'd love to see anyone else's that they've sent/recieved. Happy

Still waiting on Riley's scarf, ready to send mine when I recieve hers...

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Hi guys! Evenl i am so sorry to let you down :'( my computer has now been fully replaced so shouldn't have any more problems now Happy sorry :/ xx

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