Commissions just opened.

I raised this idea some time last year here on the CO&K boards and got a couple of responses, since then the community has grown and I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce you to my project: Pompelmo.

I am selling custom shoes, made to order and 100% unique. If anyone is interested there is more information on the site about the shoes and how to order if you're interested.

Thanks for reading Happy

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4 replies since 25th June 2009 • Last reply 25th June 2009

WOW super cool shoes!! so pretty!! how much are they US dollars?

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They are fab, might have to make an order.

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Very cool!

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US$ would be about:
High Top "Converse" Canvas Shoes: $50 to $85
Low Canvas Shoes: $45 to $75
"Dolly" Canvas Shoes: $35 to $70

Around XD Depending on exchange rates when I make the sale.

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