a new swap

320 replies since 28th August 2008 • Last reply 28th August 2008

izzy! Your tote is in the mail!!!!

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well i was due monday 22nd sept... which is yesterday here... but today over there hehe i think...

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the baby is like I don't wanna come out into the big wide world

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*Backs out of the thread slowly feeling a little scared* .....

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Lil, don't feel scared

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this may sound funny, but I emailed Izzya and asked her to send along a bag of cheeze and onion crisps...lol

I miss them so much and you can't get them here! Cheese and onion flavour rocks!

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hey guys i am back from my parents, been there all week. did you guys miss me ? Happy lol glad to be back home. Happy

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SUG! Yahhhhhhh, big hug. I did miss you! XOXO

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IT'S A GIRL!!!! Cruz Catalina born 11.58 am 24th Sept 3.71kgs or 8.2ish pounds im surprised corrie didnt get in and tell you where is she??

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and she is so cute!!!! Congrats steph! kisses

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*Kisses her hand and blows the kiss to Stephanie's baby* SOOOO CUTE! I love her nose hehe

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we are so proud

Izzy, get your parcel yet?

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Izzy got hers!

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hey where is corrie and tara, i cant even get ahold of them on yahoo. Happy did they say they were going to be offline?

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I don't know where they are, but I miss them

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