Requesting a New How To!!! Leopard Blue Skinny Jeans

Hey anyone whose nice enough to make a tutorial on how to make this:<>folder_id=2534374302028504&PRODUCT<>prd_id=845524442187356&bmUID=1224206248079
Please comment on my profile or message me!
I also don't know where the fabric is.

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4 replies since 17th October 2008 • Last reply 17th October 2008

You need a pair of plain jeans and then make stencils with card of leopard spots (search google images) make about 6 stencils and then paint black fabric paint against the stencils. It will take a long time so maybe even make a big stencil with lots of shapes on it so it covers big areas at a time.

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thanks. But I'm afraid I the paint will wear away when I wash it. I meant like a place that actually sells the fabric with it.

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I know places that sell leopard print fabric, but not denim. If you use fabric paint, then iron it, it shouldn't fade. To be honest, I think it'd look good if it faded a little.

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