Making my costumes point!

I am working on a costume which is my vision of "Steampunk Charizard" and I am hitting 1 major brick wall! I cant get my idea to say "Charizard"...I figured out almost every detail and when I assemble it in my mind it looks more like just a steam punk flying man. The issue I think is the biggest is making what I wear red. I'm using a trench coat non leather and it's beige...Can you dye trench coats????

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2 replies since 16th September 2011 • Last reply 16th September 2011

Don't see why not!!
You say it's non-leather - WHAT is it??

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flaming tail.
make a head for char to go over yours
what about making an open pokeball on our back?
walk around saying "char, char"
spray paint the trench coat red
with a white tummy
from google:

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