Arggggghhhhhh...can't sleep

I am in so much pain, I can't sleep. Stupid arthretis...all my joints feel like they are on fire. Boo

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9 replies since 25th May 2010 • Last reply 25th May 2010

awww how awful , my nan suffers from it too . joint pain is such a mither but always speak to your doctor about it . I suggest either strong pain killers or sleeping pills and if your against certain medicines try a drop of whisky in a cup of tea. It may sound weird but whisky aids sleep and can help ease pain at times . consult artheritis sections on health websites if you can. I hope things get better for you Happy

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Sorry to hear that Michelle! I cant sleep very often,so I eat a banana and drink a cup of warm milk.It really helps for me,but I dont have to deal with pain.Hope you get better soon!

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thanks, I am seeing the doctor june 1st

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My Grandmother takes glucosamine supplements. You can get them over the counter at Wally-world or GNC. She said they help her a lot. Hope you feel better soon!

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thanks, I find them to be just so big. They are huge tablets

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Gosh how awful, my nan has suffered with arthitis on and off for about 40 years. She's recently had a flare up and you can see how much pain she is in so I can certainly understand and sympthise with your situation.

It must be really annoying to lose sleep over it. I had the most horrendous wisdom tooth pain the night before one of my exams, I was in so much pain that I didn't get to sleep till 4am and woke up about 7/8ish and that was only one night and could pretty much be relieved with painkillers. I'd hate to experiencing a lack of sleep most nights with really bad pains that cannot really be eased so much.

I hope that your doctor appointment is progressive. Let us know how you get on *fingers crossed* Happy

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crossing mine too, when the weather warms up I am fine, its just cold weather that really bothers me

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Happy Sorry your arthritis is playing up. I run a pain support group at work and have problems with my posture and knees so I can kind of empathise. I've got one leg longer than the other (which is apparently really common) and it means my weight isn't evenly distributed so it causes a lot of achiness.

Glucosamine in apparently good for arthritis but you apparently have to be taking it about 2 years before you start to notice the difference. I only found this out recently when I had a dietitian come into the pain group. I've restarted taking it now but unfortunately its not a quick fix at all.

Does your pain get better with heat/cold? You could try heat packs or frozen peas. Its not a long term help but it can give some relief. Also I love a long soak in the bath. You can add essential oils like chamomile, juniper,rosemary, celery, black pepper, marjoram, lavender and eucalyptus. One of my friends who has rheumatoid arthritis has found accupuncture helpful too and she has regular massages to help her circulation. I also wear tubagrips round my knees when they're bad too. They give them a bit of extra support, warmth and compression.

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I heard the same thing, but appertly I have boney growth on my kneecaps, they thought it was arthritis, but the swelling is from the growths

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