Shop Name

I'm having a hard time thinking of a name for my new shop. I'm going to sell a variety of different things, pretty much anything that comes to mind. (Paintings,jewelry,clothes,accessories,handbags,toys,shoes...)

How did you come up with your shop name? Or any advice how to come up with mine??

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13 replies since 21st November 2009 • Last reply 21st November 2009

Check first no-one else is using the name that you are considering using.

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Mine was was cats name Happy I've got Woodledoodledandy on Dawanda. I figured it was pretty safe guess that noone had it already.

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Mine was was cats name Happy I've got Woodledoodledandy on Dawanda. I figured it was pretty safe guess that noone had it already.

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I used my nickname for my busn. Meimei design

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i have Snoodle Studio on etsy. Snoodle is a name my husband and i use for cuddling. for exaple if we are going to bed and i want him to spoon me or hug me, i'll ask him to come snoodle me. if our kids are being really sweet and affectionate we'll say they are acing all snoodle-ish. and since i sell soft toys i thought i would be cute.
it's hard to come up with a name. you want one that is original but easy for your customers to remember but also something that kinda suits your personality.

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It is hard. My other shop is Kiraslilshopofhorror, it's cute but I regret making it so long. I'm coming up with a few ideas but nothing has stuck out.

Oh and Snoodle is the cutest word, hehe.

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snoodle! My new word of the day.

how about Kira design?

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kiras closet

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How about mixing and matching things like:
cherry + pop
pink + ice
green + grapes

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thats a great idea Tracy

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Something memorable and describes what you do/sell. Those are two of the pieces of advice I always see on the subject. Something easy to spell is always good too- it won't matter how cool or catchy the name is if they can't type it into their browser or search engine. The name of the shop you have know does all of that, so I have no doubt you'll come up with something cool again. I rather like Princess Roni's suggestion, considering how eclectic what you're planning to sell is. Do you have a certain style in mind? If you do you could include something that describes the style as opposed to your items.

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I agree with Serpentina on including something that describes your style as opposed to the items.

My business is called Funct' Up Designs (landscaping, architecture, interior design, clothing, jewellry, purses, knitting...etc...etc). Funct' is just short for Functional...but at the same time, its Funct' I see it as functional with a twist. No idea if anyone else gets it...but I do, lol.

Do you consider your items modern, eclectic, futuristic?? A combination?? Its tough when you have a name that you like, to change it to something else. I browsed your items in etsy, and the name really does suit your shop..which def makes it tougher.

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I'm keeping my horror shop and the name......but I wanted another shop for more eclectic and a variety of items (cutesy,vintage,artistic). B/c I will literally be selling ANYTHING that comes to my mind and I want to make.

What I may do is see if anyone has anymore ideas...then I'll go with 3 names and get ppl to vote.

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