KNITTERS!! I need help

My dear old grandmother taught me how to knit years ago, and I have grown older and forgotten most of the basics.
Can anyone help me?!?! I want to be able to make things for my son and my friends.

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3 replies since 8th August 2007 • Last reply 8th August 2007

I'd probably of said that your best bet would be to get a good tutorial book that'll teach you the basics that is if you cant find anyone in your area to help you out.

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I think that having someone teach you in person is the best way of learning to knit, my Nana taught me, so I was very lucky. See if you can join a knitting group in your area, I'm sure someone there would be happy to teach you the basics. Also, the Stitch N Bitch books really helped me when I was learning to knit and crochet.

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Try a local knitting place, one of the little ones, if you can find one, they're normally pretty happy just to sit down and talk about how to knit for a bit!

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