crappy folders and mental Illness

okay people my rant d'jour the uber crappy sweater folders[who are managers daughters & get paid in CASH...BTW is illegal in Canada] anyway-they totally suck ass, they been butting the clearance items in with the regular, and the discount[30%off] stuff with the stuff that NEVER GOES DOWN! Well anyway I got uber pissed and told them off[I was getting HASSELD by shoppers] and they went and complained to their lead that the menswear staff were bothering them. And SHE told us that it was making them akward. WHAT? WTF? The girls spend their four hours talking to each other, they don't do anywork. So I went upstairs, found their lead and was like ok, I am the one those two complained about and this is the reason why. There is no way I am going to let some crappy prissy teenager walk her CONNECTIONS over me. any way, they pissed me off. You got a problem-you talk to me. Yeah I can be a b*tch, I am also clinic depressed with two anxiety disorders and OCD. YOU f*#king up the displays pisses me off. Keep the brands in the correct spots. Really its not hard. Look at the label. If it says Levi put it in the levi section, Ralph Lauren in RL. Not hard, you job is to fold the clothes. Not stand or lean on racks and talk to each other. its also bad when we get told we have to fix every table you touched, because u did it wrong. ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH I have to work tomorrow, I will spend the whole shift correcting their mistakes. Woot. Happy

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5 replies since 26th November 2008 • Last reply 26th November 2008

*opens a portal* go my sock creatures go and attack those evil ppl who want to hassel my meshie!! mwahahahahha!

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That sounds super sucky! You should just leave the stuff..and tell all the customers to talk to management about it or so...that way you don't have to deal with it...give management all the crap.

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i hate it when people use connections, and than you get in trouble. My "co-worker" has been their for a year, on one side (we have bread side and cake side, and we stay seperate but at the till, she use to be breadside, and is now cake side) but she's all cozy with the boss' son, so he spoils her. Anyways.... she started working on cake side about 2 months ago, so doesn't know everything. But she bumped me out of my morning shifts (tears, sooo many tears) and than when she does something wrong, she blames me. Im ready to quit, but when i do tell flip the switch on her, she FREAKS, and starts cry and gets away with it cause she acts, soo emotional. She isnt. Arg. I ahte co-workers.

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awww it made me sad because I'm my manager's daughter and my manager's cousin :[ BUT I DON'T FUCK ANYTHING UP! Well... except once, because I didn't realize we had "assigned registers" and someone taught me how to use the registers, and I just kept using the one they taught me on. Anyway, I had to price check something, but I did it on the OTHER register, and there was a HUGE line in the normal register, and people figured I was there to check them out. So instead of being a huge bother to them and telling them to get back into the normal line, I just started ringing them up... And I got in trouble, because There was "assigned computers" and what not.. and yea.... But my mom doesn't work in my store, she works in the sister store across the walkway. But I do understand the people fucking up the displays. Even when I was a noobie [I've worked there enough to know the ins and outs and though I don't work there CONSECUTIVLEY and come in for a few weeks every few months, I still know my shiznit] I noticed the other new girl who actually HAD training [I didn't... even LONGER story] was fucking up the displays and putting the girls stuff on the guys side WHICH IS SO STUPID. Its obviously boys on the left, girls on the right, its... not a subtle different. Its like... ok... pink frilly sweaters with flowers and hearters and a little bow? sorry, but no 7 year old is that secure with his masculinity, no matter how advanced. but yea... I understand your frustration, while I'm one the side you hate. lol.

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nah I love u DIS

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