What have you been watching?

On T.V.

Recently I've been watching lots of Fraiser and the first series of Desperate Housewives (on Channel 4). Fraiser makes me cringe so much but it's so funny!

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9 replies since 23rd July 2008 • Last reply 23rd July 2008

I love Frasier! But I've watched like every episode a million times now. Frasier the character is awful, I hate him, but it's funny to watch him fail and everyone else is amazing. I love Niles <3

I watch My Name Is Earl whenever that's on, but the rest of the stuff I watch is just reruns like Friends and That 70s Show. And Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, obviously!

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Yeh I don't like Fraiser as a person! Niles can be annoying too, for fs sake just tell the truth! but then they wouldn't have a show! Considering their professions you'd think they'd know how to handle situations! I didn't realise that it was the same character that he played in Cheers for ages! Never really watched Cheers. The actor who plays their dad is originally from Blackpool! Marty is hilarius!

I like My Name Is Earl but it got a bit repetitive. I love that 70s show, seen reruns of Friends a million times but I still like to watch it! I used to watch Charmed everyday but it's getting repetitive since ive seen all of it before.

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I am currently on season 8 of Friends lol It's great to watch when I knit, as I know whats happening without looking as I have seen it a million times!

Recently started watching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia! It is s frigging amazingly funny show, described as "Seinfeld on crack" haha
Most of my shows I watch are on breaks, but Mad Men come back this week!!! YAY that is one cool show, anyone watch it? it's set in the 60's in the male dominated advertising world in Madison Ave. It may not sound good, but the costumes, characters, stories are just so interesting!

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Yeah I love that Daphne's American (well duh, she has a shitty English accent) and Marty's English cause he rocks <3

When I'm round Tim's we normally watch Six Feet Under or Arrested Development. Both are completely brilliant but I'm really enjoying Arrested Development cause I can just watch 20 minutes of humour quite easily, but I'm addicted to SFU!

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The woman who plays Daphe is actually English she was born in Essex! I like that they made her northern though even though it's not a very good northern accent and her brothers are all cockneys for some reason!

Californiacation, Heroes and Dexter have been my favourite new things this year. Not enjoying the second series of Dexter though. I love watching X-Files cuz when it was being made I was terrified of it, it's not that scary anymore. The film has had rubbish reviews though Happy

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I got told she was American? She has a cockney accent, it's so not Mancunian! But it's that American TV philosophy that all English people sound the same.

I need to watch Dexter cause it has David from Six Feet Under in haha

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She sounds quite northern actually, more Yorkshire or this area than Manchestaaar.

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I remember hearing an interview with Daphne and she said she watered down a Manchester accent to make it understandable to Americans Happy Love that show Happy

Love Arrested development!! Why do all the good shows get cancelled?!

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I dunno, it's rubbish. It's a wonder Six Feet Under lasted five series really, considering how good it was haha

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