My Fashion Blog

I just started it up, but it's going ok and I won't forget about it!

Please visit!

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8 replies since 6th September 2007 • Last reply 6th September 2007

Ha ha, great blog - I loved the bit about the school-leaving shirt, I can't imagine why anyone would buy one!

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Good stuff. I bookmarked for future reading.

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Cool site.

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.really good taste =)

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this is an old thread but OH WELL, cooool I love the high waisted pants and shirt I want that outfit!

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I've abandoned that now!
I couldn't be bothered ha... Too much college work and things Sad

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yeh I've always wanted a proper blog like these you see but i don't do or see anything so important lol

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i..i.. feel so left out
it says website not found...
did i do sumtn wrongg?

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