I finally made something for myself!

I'm so used to making things for other people that I've let my own wants and needs fall by the wayside.
I've recently gotten 2 soap commissions and 3 jewelry commissions so I've not had any time for myself.
But I finally sat down tonight after working on a commissioned jewelry set and made a necklace for myself. I'm really pleased with it!
Lately I haven't done much just for me, but now I feel like I have.
This is what happiness and satisfaction feel like! Kinda new feelings to me, haha.

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3 replies since 29th March 2012 • Last reply 29th March 2012

Post so we can see Happy

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^ I want to see too Happy

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http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/bloodlust-choker-2 it's that.

It looks waaaay better in person because the threads are much more transparent than the picture makes them look.

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