Quick Cash?

I have to get 275 by next month, and i cant find a job. That 275 is enough to KICK out my boyfriends stepbrother, who's smoking as already put me in the hospital twice, and get the house in me and my boyfriends name. But my boyfriend is two nice to do that, so I have to do it ( he has the money, but just won't).Than i will get anyone else in here, and i dont care WHO come in here, they will be better than him. But, i have no idea how to do it, legally. Any ideas?

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10 replies since 7th April 2008 • Last reply 7th April 2008

if it's in his name then it's legally his im afraid, I don't know what to suggest sorry he's a pain! But the money thing maybe make and sell things? An easy and fast way would be to make cards.

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Do you have any family or friends who would lend you the money? I'd recommend making and selling too, or ebaying some stuff. Sorry I'm not much help.

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Its not "legally" in the step-brothers name, there was no formal rental agreement. So all i ahve to do is get the rental agreement in mine or my boyfriends name and the step-brother is at my mercy. AHAHA! And no one has money to lend me Happy

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Can't your boyfriend lend you the money on the quiet?

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I don't know if this is a ton of help...but what about a payday loan? Where you loan the money and have to pay it back to the company with a small interest within a set amount of time. I've been in a situation before that they saved my life. Kind of a pain in the ass to have to pay back with interest but it's better then the alternative maybe.

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Can you ask your boyfriend to lend you money for "something else" and then use it for that?

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How did this work out in the end? Did you raise the cash?

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i got a hundred Happy no more Happy I'm still trying, but as i cant get payday loans (would need money to pay them back with) I'm a little stuck.

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I understand the money issue completely been a poor student for 3 years! Also my mum has to start working more hours and/or get another job part time because extra money stops coming in in June, it could have stopped earlier because of the college situation but we still get the money till june, she doesn't want to leave her job because it's good pay and she has been building up a pension. It's been a struggle since my dad left and sometimes she's gone a week or even two weeks with just a tenner or 20 quid. I get the paying back thing too!

It's so annoying when people ask you to go out and stuff and don't understand that no money means no money! I don't have any thing to suggest maybe lottery or scratch cards? Selling stuff thats unwanted? It helps when people know how it feels! Is it an option to wait longer until you get the money?

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Ya, i'm just getting so stressed because of him i want him out sooner than later.

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