Another YAY for me:D
I got a job today yup yup
Cake Decorating
Oh my god that's the best job EVER!
i know.... its like bitchen i'm so excited about it
their going to teach me all the ropes, now i get to have super sexy cakes
I was just thinking today how much I'd love a job cake decorating. So jealous of you Jasmin!
Hey this means your financial woes'll get lessened.
Well done well done well done!
aaw wow that's so cool. I really wanted a sewing machinist job when I went looking for jobs but they want someone who is expeirienced and I've never even used one. Have fun!!!!!
That sounds excellent! Good for you Jasmin
Ya, i can't wait I start tomorrow
And, I got elected as one of the Youth Councilors, for our Youth Council in town.
Youth Council eh? What does that entail?
Youth Council is the city council for the youth, we arrange special events for teens, set up safe places for victims of abuse (whether at home or at school), we pay attention to whether bullying/suicedes/eating disorders are on the rise in school and than see how to deal with them. its fun.
I was part of Youth Council was, only it was horrible, ageist, and we were supposed to be positive about Swindon, my home town.
So I left.
We never had anything like that in my area, that I knew of anyway. I was on the litter team though, we all went out at weekends and cleared up weeds and rubbish, it was fun.
I'd get involved with something like that if I knew how, bet i'd just be annoyed at everything!
Speaking of YAYS! my friend works at a nursery and started talking to one of the mums of one of the kids there whos a vet and looking for an apprenticeship and she said she doesnt really look at qualifications that much just personality and how they do the job so I'm giving my friend my cv to give to this woman so fingers crossed!!!!
awesome, Queeny! Hehehe, hope you get it.
And Roma, that really sucks. Ours in town is kind of a mismatch of people who are on the council because they are popular but have no brains what so ever, and people like me who are really smart so can change something.
Omg, i love my job, but its like wearing me down, switching back and forht from late night shifts to early morning shifts >< i love my job, i have learned so much. but.... i need sleep!!!
*hugs* I feel for you, nights do not look easy. Least you like the job though, thats a big plus
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