I have a heat gun, anybody know any crafts I can do with it?

My husband has a black n decker heat gun. I sooooo want to use it but i cant think of what for. Anyone have any cool ideas or know what I can make using it?

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3 replies since 23rd May 2011 • Last reply 23rd May 2011

get some little green army men and melt their little helmets and feet on top of each other, u can use a metal or glass bowl to help mold 'em into a bowl shape! start from the bottom and work your way up! be safe and work in a well ventilated area... melted plastic is stinky! hit up a local dollar store for cheap materials, i think they even have plastic dinosaurs!

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We used these in art class to make paintings using wax... basically you put the wax on a piece of wood and melt it... and if the heat gun is powerful enough the wax will move around making cool designs and such

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you can use it like they said. You can also use it on shrinky dinks (shrink art paper) instead of heating up the oven, or any plastic that can shrink. I just found out today that you can use the grocery store lids to design and shrink! Good luck! Happy

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