Bizzare Ball 2010

It really sucks i havent been on here for a while due to my net being down so using the inlaws internet atm Tongue whats everyone been upto those who are on there holidays?!? Happy i went to the Bizzare ball saturday it was too amazing just to be around people who are VERY creative and not afraid to be who they are or just seeing people being able to dress up as their alter-egos. It was just too wow. Its deffo a night ill remember Happy

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3 replies since 6th June 2010 • Last reply 6th June 2010

nice, pictures?

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i actually didnt manage to take any pictures i was worried about something happening to my camera being as i also lost my purse that night. But there are loads on the website Happy they havent posted them all up though.

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Aaawww sounds AWESOME!!! I've been trying to find a job as I have finished Uni - although pending results!! As well as my little neice being born this morning... she live about 150 miles away and it sucks that I can't go up there because i have a job centre appointment. I'm in a bit of a depression about the whole job thing. The job centre here is like for the unemployed but the way they treated me was like I was one of the Job Seekers Allowance benefit spongers, yet I was the smartest person dressed for my interview, and that includes the staff!!!

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