I'm new!! And can someone help?

Not sure where to post this, but I have a question... How long does it take for a project to show up in the projects section? All the projects I've posted are still in "awaiting approval".

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3 replies since 1st June 2010 • Last reply 1st June 2010

Well, I believe only Cat & Tom (the makers of CO+K) approve all projects by hand.
So you'll have to wait untill they are online and approve them.
Mostly a project will be approved within 24 hours

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Like Dragonfly said, it normally only takes about a day. They're really on top of things.

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Yeah I think Dragonfly is more or less correct. I remember doing my tutu early-mid evening and the next day it was done... depends on how much is going on for the website Happy

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