I just got off the phone with her fabulous Tara, she had her baby 5:17 in the morning her time I believe.

She has a very handsome baby boy Ryker who is 8 pounds!

She will be home sometime tommorow.

And yes she is doing great and both her and Ryker are doing very well!

Congrats Tara!! Cant wait to see pics!

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30 replies since 23rd June 2009 • Last reply 23rd June 2009

What a cutie!! Congratulations Tara and family.

Unfortunately my babyshower gifts will not be in time, I posted them yesterday.

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oh how adorable congrats tara

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Aaw how cute! Congratulations Tara =)

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Adorable Happy


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Beautiful baby boy!!

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Congratulations Tara Happy

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awwww, adorable!

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So I finally get back to the boards, then go away for a few days and I miss THIS!! Typical lol.

Congrats Tara, he's absolutely beautiful Happy

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Congratulations he is lovely

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awwww what a sweet baby Happy
best wishes to you and your family Happy

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Thanks everyone! We got home not too long ago. Will try to get on when I can. I am very tired. I just got on to check things out real quick and I uploaded pics to my myspace so my hubby can see him. (=

Talk to ya'll as soon as I can.

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hey tara congratulations 4 your little baby boy!!!

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