Big Updates

Hi folks,

I've been working flat out on the site for the past few days, and there've been loads of changes behind the scenes - there'll be new features and things soon enough, but, if anybody has any problems, just send me a message!

The site might be Back-in-a-tick-ing more than usual too...

Sorry for any hassle you might have had though!


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9 replies since 3rd February 2009 • Last reply 3rd February 2009

We love you Tom, do what ya gotta do, we will still be here and coming back Happy lol

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we do love u, thanks for informing us

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thanks for telling us! ily

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yay! I can't wait to see what you were working on tom!!
thanks a lot

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ooooooh, cannot wait!

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Oooh I can't wait to see the new updates!

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"Back-in-a-tick-ing" ahahaha, thats awesome Happy

tis all good. all good Happy

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Aww, thanks for all the support!

Projects now let you know about any missing bits before you publish them, and I'm working on getting a progress bar for image uploads...

More soon!

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Craftopedia! it's AWESOME! thanks tom!

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