Money Issues

Can anybody think of a way for me to make money? I want to make a tutu, but I don't have tulle and I don't have money to buy any... I want a tutu soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad...

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3 replies since 23rd November 2008 • Last reply 23rd November 2008

you could try selling some stuff that you no longer need/want on ebay.

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or go to the swap shop and swap unwanted things for tulle?

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I know how you feel.

My mother and me are ALREADY poor, and then on top of it, we thought she had breast cancer, so we went to the doctor and had bunches of tests that costs bunches of money, and THEN two days ago, some douche hit her car and now we are renting a car AND fixing our car, etc. etc. etc.

So whatever I want... I just find things to make it out of.

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