Whats everyone asking for, for Christmas etc

28 replies since 3rd October 2008 • Last reply 3rd October 2008

oo well done Michelle...I just remembered today that I'd quite like driving lessons but I don't see the point until I can get a car really Happy

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awww..michelle g..your bf is a dream paying for your uni fees...thats love right there!!

i'm far too excited about getting gifts for other people to think about what i want! i'm planning on making lavender bags for my grandma + her friends + eco bags for everyone else....i'm really into making everything this year, including the wrapping paper....is anyone else sorted?

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I'd love love love an embroidery machine but I haven't told anyone about that.

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wow yes, an embroidery machine would be a dream!!! i hope you get one..if i see father christmas i'll put in a good word!

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I used to be well paranoid that my mum would forget to leave Father Christmas and Rudolf something! lol

I keep lovely bits of paper, like things that have been wrapped up in nice tissue paper and paper around flowers, I use the tissue paper in those gift bags you get to hide the presents I bet there's a how to on diy gift bags somewhere. i think I'll use the plastic bag coaster tutorial for making little cards and things Happy

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yeah min, my bf is a sweetie...I'm very lucky

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although he is pretty lucky too...for his bday[yesterday] I got him a new pair of shoes, two new sports jackets and a few books. I made him a treat... but we treat each other

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Michelle you and your beau sound sickening in the sweetest possible way Happy Although my bf likes to get me pick and mix, and tried to sing a song that rhymed with Tara lol, doubt we'll ever top you two.

I've gone mad on wists, I want all sorts of crafting stuff especially a Gocco printing thing. It makes silk screening look easy and fun, and I know it'd be a disaster if I tried it from scratch.

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I know. we are. lol

I do not lie

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Hip top slide and a chocolate fountain.

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ooh I got these awsome hawaian shirts today for my bf. He loves those shirts, a mug that says "Owe, owe, owe. The reason why I work"

I couldn't help myself, now they are hiden away...tehehe

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DH has just (literally) arrived home with my Christmas pressie - a red DS lite! Cool! Now if I can get a game manufacturer to create some crafting games........ I also want beads, crystals, charms and jewellery findings (I'm currently doing a jewellery course) and Geisha ornaments. Oh, lots of lovely Lush stuff would be very welcome too! ^_^

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A good used Easel so I can paint easier and I'd like to get my sewing machine back from NM!

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money. I don't really want anything else because I need to get BUNCHES OF MONEY for me and my mommy to go to EGYPT!!!

FRIGGIN EGYPT!!!! Jeez..... I'm so excited! Happy

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