My Needles Feel Awkward?

I just bought my new set of bamboo circular needles and I'm super excited. So I find a pattern I like, bust out with the yarn, cast on; but when I start to knit, the yarn just sits there. No where near as much slide as my metal needles (not that I expected that much gliding). Also they just feel weird in my hands.

Is there any way to "distress" my bamboo needles so that the yarn moves a little more freely and they don't feel so odd?

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2 replies since 31st October 2012 • Last reply 31st October 2012

Maybe you were knitting wrong ...or something..check out cat Morley's knitting basics and try it maybe it will work then Happy

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The problem with bamboo needles is that if you are using a fluffyish yarn the yarn will sort of 'stick' to the needles. If you use a lot of natural wool yarns (that still contain a lot of the natural lanolin) then that will start to polish up the needles and make the yarns glide cross the needles. Also, I have heard that you can use bees wax to polish the needles. Hope that helps Happy

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