can any1 recommend crochet book?

hi,i want to learn to crochet and thought i'd ask for a book to teach me off sombody for xmas. just wondering if anyone can recommend one?just looked on amazon and there's LOADS! so far i've nearly made a scarf using a kid's crochet project thing (lol)but wanted to look in to doing it properly!!

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9 replies since 24th October 2010 • Last reply 24th October 2010

Hello. Happy

I tried loads of crochet books and got confused as hell! Happy But then I got this one and it was really easy to follow. I learned the basics from it and now I happily wing my way around the crochet hooks! Happy

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Humm. Sorry about that link! I guess copy/paste will work, if not it's called "Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts! Amigurumi" by Tomoko Takamori. Happy

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thanks,ill have a look now. thought it'd be better to get some recommended for that reason!! incase some are confusing! Happy

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thanks,ill have a look now. thought it'd be better to get some recommended for that reason!! incase some are confusing! Happy

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"I taught my self to crochet" is a beginners crochet book.That is what I bought my self 34 years ago..all I had was the money for the little book and 1 skein of yarn and a sat and did swatch after swatch, practicing for hours..then I got started on the projects and went crazy with crochet as I could by other patterns..then I did the same with knitting.My first knitting project was a full size sweater for my husband..and then all baby stuff..I like we have the computer now and can find so much online from learning how to ,to doing facy stuff..Just love the internet.

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I just bought a new crochet book "Stitch and Bitch Crochet- The Happy Hooker" by Debbie Stoller. I bought it for some really great patterns, but it also has a good "how to" section as well as the history of crochet. Apparently it's a fairly new form of needlework- only about 200 years old!

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I taught myself to crochet from youtube but found a really good book recently from the library which has some really simple and small projects. Its called Fun & Funky Crochet by Sophie Britten. I didn't use any of the patterns but it got me really inspired and I've made loads of other bits since borrowing it.

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I taught myself with Klutz Crochet book, and I learned to knit with their knitting book. It taught me enough stitches and techniques to figure out other patterns. I mostly do amigurumi now.

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thanks for all your suggestions, i've looked at all of them and scrutinized the internet for reviews too...decided to get the Klutz Crochet book as had good reviews and the diagrams look really easy for me to follow Happy also asking for Twinkie Chan's book too so i have something to work towards making! Happy
*cupcake scarves* Happy

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