Cheap gold chain

Hi! I bought some cheap chain a while ago - it looks alright, but it's just a bit to yellowish for me. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make it look better? Possibly making it look older with some sort of stain or dye, but I don't know how I'd do that.

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3 replies since 22nd December 2013 • Last reply 22nd December 2013

If it's copper based you could rust it by leaving it out in the open and keeping it moist.

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Shake it up in a container with some sand or other very abrasive particle and it will take the finish down a notch, it may also show you what metal is underneath though. If that doesn't work enough for you then rub it around with sand in your hands for more even pressure, either wear gloves or get your hands VERY exfoliated....

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Test it with a magnet to see what is underneath. If its magnetic, its probably nickel or steel based, if not it will be either copper or brass. If it is copper/brass you can use lime sulphur (available from the garden section in most supermarkets as it is a pesticide) or liver of sulphur tablets from a silver clay supplier water. For a slight aged look, dip the chain in for a second. Warning. Wear gloves and work near a window because the stuff stinks. Test a small section first to make sure it is what you want.

If it is steel or nickel based you can burn off the coating and rust it. The rust needs to be sealed though. I have many more ways that you can use. Message me if you need more info!

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