What to do with fleece?

I purchased some awesome superman fleece to make a car-seat cover for my baby, then my mum bought some dinosour fleece to make the same thing, now his other grandparents are wanting to buy him one. I haven't made the carseat cover yet, neither has my mum and I'm pretty certain we could end up with a lot of fleece left over. I don't want to make a fleece blanket, so I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on what I can do with a ton of fleece to make for baby?

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2 replies since 28th November 2012 • Last reply 28th November 2012

Seatbelt covers, teddy bears, pillows, footy pajamas, mittens and booties, a hat, bibs... that's all I can think of right now.

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I might have to make him some pajamas, he's so small that all his clothes are huge on him but the footy pajamas fit him really well.

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