New Craft Room Ideas Please

As some of you know, I have just moved in to a new home with my lovely boyfriend.

Luckily, we were able to afford somewhere with some extra space, so I now have a craft room.

It is quite small, approx 6feet by 4.5feet, with an extra space of about 1 sq ft, where the very small bay window is.

I have very little in the way of furniture for this room, in fact, so far, all I have is a small ikea billy bookcase.
I do not want to spend a fortune on buying furniture, and where possible, I will be buying from thrift/charity shops to keep the price down, but I wondered.... do you have any ideas for storage, recycling, making good etc that will make this a unique but cost effective space for me to craft in.

Thanks in advance for your help


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4 replies since 6th December 2011 • Last reply 6th December 2011

I know if I had a craft room I'd definately have shelves or a bookcase with jars filled with buttons. beads and bits of ribbon. I'd also have colourful magazine holders for all my craft books and mags.

I like to store my fabric in clear plastic stackable boxes, as you can easily see whats in them and they don't take up too much space. You can also cover them with a blanket or tablecloth and use as an extra table.

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Thanks Libby,

That is very similar to what I've already been thinking...

Just going to have to go to the local charity shops and find something that needs updating.


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An easy and cheap way to organize craft supplies is using old jars or paper mache bowls. One of my favorite ways to organize is to use mod podge to cover plastic carry-out boxes (the ones you always get for leftovers) with newspaper. Let it dry then cover that with old colorful tissue paper from a birthday or holiday. It looks so cool, and it's really easy. You could also use old metal tins from altoids mints or candies for small things like buttons.

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Check out this site, they have a ton of different ideas for craft rooms. I use old glass jars to organize stuff, as well as clear paper baskets for paper products and papers

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