problem skin

arrrgh, I am having another bout of adult acne, it comes, it goes...but it does run in my family. So right now, another flair up.

I have been using my black head removing scrub(good ol baking soda) and apple cider vingar for a toner(yes it works)

but I am still breaking out....


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23 replies since 21st September 2008 • Last reply 21st September 2008

The thing with acne is that its an actual medical condition so you're best going to your Doctor and getting medicated stuff. Over here if you go to a chemist (is that drugstore to you?) you can ask for advice on things and they can help too.

I use Witch face wash (it's got natural stuff in it and it doesn't smell too strong I've got sensitive skin, and also it's called WITCH!!) and Savlon antiseptic cream, works pretty well with me but I only get a few.

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yeah, my skin is super sensitive. Most medicated stuff hurts my skin. Plus I am on meds for my depression and my leg, so maybe that could be the reason why.

maybe I should to the detoxifing thing, hot water with lemon.

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aah it must be stress then, my eczema comes out when I'm stressed and I've had a bad patch for ages on my arm and I've got cream for it but it won't go away but it's so awkward to go to the Doctors about it! The skin has been opened and healed so many times that its scared!

drinking lots of water is supposed to help too

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it could be. with my bad knee and all. I guess my depression could be acting up, and I am feeling down. It kinda sucks that I am stuck in bed

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also if you are on birth control or anything with hormones in it that will mess with your skin too
but i wouldnt doubt the fact it could be from your depression meds because its happend to me befor

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eeek, I am. Darn it. I miss my clear skin. Oh well, it could be worst. Pimples goes away

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My skin went effin awful when I left college, being stuck in the house all day and stayin in bed till late really messed it up and the stress of not having a job. It's probably a mix of things. If you've been on birth control for a while and only now your skins flared up then it's probably not to do with the birth control and there are different types of the pill if you react badly to one kind (sorry big birth crontrol believer lol).

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could be that, thank god for my Vichy conceler!

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The birth control I am on is very good for acne and problem skin. Still get the odd pimple at that time of the month, but not horrible ones like before. Only problem is, I don't want to ever go off the pill now! I went off it for a few months and my skin instantly went bad! eughh

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Oh I know, I just switch birth control

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I can't think of the name of mine.. I was on dianette(diane mitte) but changed this year.. no can't think of it, maybe marvelon or something? or I just made that up Happy

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I was on the nuva ring but because of my ingury, I can't insert it

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I have acne to...But If you use som kinda alcohol and the DIANE pill xD ore sum...then is it's better in like 2 months. :]

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cool, I have used alcohol and it has seemed to be working

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