
I have a wonderful family. My husband is Matt, and he is the funniest and most intelligent person I know. He boggles my mind with all of his knowledge and insight. He is a Materials Engineer with a passion for for what he does. He is lucky enough to have a career that is also his passion. But I suppose it isn't luck... he made all the choices to be where he is. I have the most beautiful daughters you will ever see and a handsome son. They smile and it makes everything in the world stop. I have no complaints with my life. I had a childhood that was less than ideal, but I have the tools now to make sure my children have a childhood that is healthy. I look at my kids and things just make more sense. I have Depression and anxiety disorders, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but do not mistake these for complaints. These things are a part of me. I used to thiink that these things would be the death of me...I came close to thinking I had no way out but death. But now, when I see how hard I worked to get better, It empowers me even more. Counseling, and yes, even medicine have played a part. But the truth of it is, is that no matter who you are, what kind of problems you have, you have the ability to overcome them. Don't make excuses for yourself, everyone has control over their own fate.

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