
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.

My name is Jessica Jones, obviously. I am currently attending Alfred State. I transferred from Genesee Community College only after spending one year there, didn't like it so much. Now after spending a year at Brockport I am at Alfred State.Brockport didn't turn out to be what I had hoped I guess. I'm pursuing new life goals and long term friendships.

Really getting to know me is difficult. I have trouble trusting people but I try and give everyone a chance. I cling to my close friends because I have a bad habit of pushing everyone away from me. I have a lot of issues that I'm constantly worried about and I can't just trust every person that comes around with them. I also don't like talking about them because I feel like I'm tearing you down with me. I'm sorry that I can't trust you I try but it's just not that easy. Everyone has hurt me one way or another and I just don't want to let that happen again. I'm very aware that I'm not attractive, you don't have to tell me that and you don't have to try and convince me that I am attractive it just doesn't work that way. Because of my developed trust issues it takes a while before you will ever see the real me, and that's if you ever do. You may just have to actually stick around for a little while and find out.

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