
I am very very stubborn.
I am quite often a pain in the ass.
Don't ask me a question if you don't want the truth. I won't lie to you to make you feel better. Its not me.
I am sarcastic. And I use it like a second language.
I love my family more then anything.
My older sister is my best friend.
My Nephew = My life.
I love animals.
I am bound to have a house full of animals all the time untill the day I die. But I will not be a crazy cat lady.
I play video games. I am not afraid to admit it. I could probally kick your ass them too.
I don't think I am all that pretty but sure as hell there is nothing wrong with looking the way I do. Its okay, I still think I am pretty. Think what you want. Its a free country.
Heather Gehman may be a loser but she is still one of my besties. =]

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