
about me:
My Friends call me kashif.
And I am registered in my death certificate as..oh sorry,
in my birth certificate as kashif jamal

And I don’t know what people think of me..So what I can say is only “I DON’T CARE”, would you mind it? ..Again, I Don’t Care!

“I am a harmless Creature, until all my harmones work properly”.

I hate people who act over smart..

It takes a minute for me to adjust with anybody..
I don’t underestimate anyone.
Misunderstanding has played appreciably great strocks in my life and I am crazier than that, because I enjoy it..
And I can forgive the person who kills me, but not the one who misused me.Now I know, you are thinking, what the hell this person might be of use??
The answer is, I also don’t know.But still I hate people who misuse me..now leave it.

I love to live with my friends and for friendship I don’t consider their any previous achievements. I love all those who feel comfortable with me and who make me feel comfortable with them…
And I never ever go behind any person(irrespective of their SEX) who don’t like my attitude and don’t want to be my friend..
I believe in GOD( SOMETIMES )..I am optimistic(well nt sure about it ).I am Moody.
I always think positive–> Which have never helped me to achieve anything, but still it has become a habit.
But negative thoughts do overpower my mind …………..
I forgive people soon, as I feel this life as too short and have no time to keep on proving others as wrong and we the only perfect!

I love innovative things.
I love stunting.
I love hacking .
I love to party.
I love playing guitar.
I love listening to music .
N I’m an adventure freak .

And one thing I have observed about myself is,I don’t go behind famous people, as it would be an extra burden to them. **I don’t like to disturb anybody**
I enjoy the company of people who are FREE.I too love to live freely!

I believe that people wont understand the importance of the other person until that person is found dead.
And I am not an important person,

can you guess Y ?


because……………I am still alive.

I respect each and every person on this earth.

I Love each and every person on this earth..and in very rare cases people get confused about the colour of my love Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love…owfff I never knew that there are soo many colours to Love, when I was studying .What..what are you thinking?? — All these lines about Love is just a contribution or just a dedication from me to the upcoming Valentines Day and nothing serious in my life.

For those who doesn’t like me, I don’t have any comments, because its their life and I am no one to poke my nose..
And for those who hate me….hope I am not soooo bad(Anyway, its left to you).
I never think bad for anyone(lemme think again about it)….etc!

One thing which I always want to tell all those people who want to hear from me is…please be original..Be how you are and never try to act as someone els

I guess, you are my friend..because you read until here, soooo long.Do you know….Friendship isn’t about…whom you have known the Longest….who came 1st or who Cares the Best…Its all about Who came and Never Left.

And I have crises of such friends(really ?>?>?>?>?)………………….. well I don’t mind if someone is interested being a friend ……… hmmmmmmmmmmmm…..

Hope this is the 1st time in my life after my 10th standard final exam, I am writing something sooo long.

Some times I feel that I have the ability to change every thing in this world, but luckily soon I realize that I wasn’t able to change myself since past 18 years!

Thtz all about me ……

Forgot to add something ………..
Well ………………


"Gazed into a crystal ball and watched its surface crack,
When I cut the Tarot deck, Death lay there grinning back,
I’ve been here many times before, again the joke’s on me,
I know the score but Déjà-Vu ain’t what it used to be .."

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