not so secret santa swap

129 replies since 8th October 2010 • Last reply 8th October 2010

Posted piccies here

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Oh yay! You got it, I was hoping they didn't lose it or something. Glad you like everything Happy

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Hahaha yeh I got it!! I had to go to the sorting office because they tried sending it to me yesterday when I was out -- OF ALL THE DAYS ¬_¬ argh. But yeah I got it YAYAYAY I <3ed it so thank you honey.

PURPLE KITTEH!! Deffo my fav, but everything was beautifully made <3

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I think we can safely say that this was a pretty successful swap!!

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dear lolly, i appsolutly love what u sent me, its all so lovly when my parents put the tree up im putting your angel on it, i will have to find the cord to the carmra so i can post the pics,

ps michelle sweetie let me now if your package reaches u in time for christmas

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I think it will

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Pirate Teensy I'm glad you love your stuff <3 I was worried about whether you like the stuff or not :S

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we all made awesome stuff

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i agree

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I also agree

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I haven't received my package for Jolanda yet. I'm sure it will come soon though! It is the Holiday time though, so the post is super slow. It's no biggy. Especially because she lives far away. Anywho, this was such a fun swap!

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it was, besides the slow post

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I al so haven't receiver anything, but here the delivery service is holding a strike. lovely time with the holidays! now I have to go round town to bring my christmas cards...

magig sprinkles you can see on your tracking code that it is in your country! so it can be any day now.

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oh no! a strike?

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STRIKE ? i did not even know they could do that LOL shows how young and nieve I am ;)

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