Paranormal fiction/media swap?

I've never hosted a swap, and am not confident I could do it properly, would someone else host it for me? My theme stems from this--
A bunch of us are fans of Buffy, Supernatural, True Blood/The Southern Vampire Mysteries, Twilight, (for me, The Mercy Thompson books), etc...
So, why not do a swap for all of us into Paranormal fiction and Paranormal Romance?

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5 replies since 6th March 2010 • Last reply 6th March 2010

I'd also like to stick to smallish sack/envelopes, so small items only. If this gets picked up, make a list of the shows/movies/books, etc. in this genre that you are into, for your partner to use as a guide.
I saw how well the Tim Burton themed swap went, and this idea came from that. You guys can probably come up with some other things under the Paranormal Fiction/Paranormal Romance genre, that I didn't list. Here are some more I just thought of.

Vampire Diaries
Anita Blake series

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This sounds like a fun idea. I think you would do okay hosting, I don't think I'm quite there yet, to host a swap. I'm thinking that maybe with all the other swaps going on right now this would be best to wait till the end of March to start. If it was pushed back a little, I would be interested in joining.

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This sounds like a fun idea. I think you would do okay hosting, I don't think I'm quite there yet, to host a swap. I'm thinking that maybe with all the other swaps going on right now this would be best to wait till the end of March to start. If it was pushed back a little, I would be interested in joining.

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It's really not hard to host a swap SparrowFae; if you've been a few then you pretty much should know the jist of it. I would love to do this swap too, but I'm with Jeanette, I'm hosting 2 right now and a third I've joined, so yeah, if this was later then I would to join!

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OK, cool, I will wait till maybe April? And I promise I'll be more organized about it, LOL!

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