help with dividers for handbags

how would you go about making dividers for a handbag?The middle one with a zipper?
Im making one the outside part i can get but the divider and zipper middle Im kinda not with

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3 replies since 22nd April 2011 • Last reply 22nd April 2011

In some purses/handbags, the middle section is only attached on the sides and not the bottom.
But if you want it connected to all of the sides, you'll have make a separate zipper pouch and sew it into the lining before sewing the lining and the outer together.

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umm, Ok.I want more than just the zipper part, like one more divider and can they be attached to the bottom of the purse?
thank you

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Yes, they can be.
All you have to do is make as many divider pouches as you want, then sew them into every part of the lining.

It'll take some experimenting to get it just how you want it, so maybe try it on some cheaper fabric before making it out of what you really like.

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