thinking about closing my COAK account

67 replies since 19th February 2010 • Last reply 19th February 2010

dude, really. don't leave here just because of some people are to pathetic to get a life instead of making others life worse.
there are projects on this site of which i can only think that's hideous. but the person that made those things made them for a reason i don't know so i have no right to judge them on that. keep on living.
they'll bugger off in a while. but i haven't noticed any of them on here. maybe they just phrased their sentences in a wrong way and actually didn't mean to be mean?

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awww michelle! no! don't leave! Happy

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That's the one thing about what you read on the internet, there's no tone or actual voice to determine how to interpret it. In some instances like this, you really can't tell how someone meant what they said, unless of course if they actual used a derogatory word.

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Hey Michelle this is renee {from project Trashion and chocolatefox designs] i havent personally seen anyoe posting rude comments. and i fee loke there will always be rude people everywhere you go. thats life .all you can do is tell cat and have her take it from there.i really do think we shoud have a no tolerance rude policy where your account gets deleted cause of rude remarks. but other than that i wouldnt worry about it too much.

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I agree with Roxanne, there should be a line drawn on rudeness and bullying. I understand that people are allowed their freedom of speech in terms of their interpretations of others projects, we aren't all here because we all have to like the same things. But it is possible to give constructive critiscism without being rude. There should be zero tolerance on bullying others for the way they are.

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Did anyone hear about Michelle?

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No, what happened? I've noticed she has been on a few days. Hope she's ok.

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I've messaged her on fb and she's really busy with the business. It looks like she may leave here tho Happy

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Hi everyone. I noticed she hasn't posted anything since the 19th Feb Happy I hope she's ok

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ive noticed these people, and honestly, i laugh at them and report them. they wont last here, and we will.

please dont leave. you are such a special and inspirational part of this community.

ps: if it makes you feel any better, last night i had a panic attack and some moron forced me into telling him exactly why i have the mental problems that i do. i just snapped back at him, and he shut up. :-P

dont let them win, love. *huggles*

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I hope she comes back. :-s

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I kinda have my doubts that she will leave, and if she does I figure it will be because she wont have much time when her business is up and going. I wish her the best of luck.

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Maybe someone should start a SH** List in the rants section. And then when someone is a real douche we can link to their comment so everyone can see! I really hope Michelle isnt closing her account! Especially over a no talent JERK!!

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From what she has said to me it sounds like she will leave. What I'm suspecting she'll do though is just stop using her account, rather than delete it altogether. That way she has the option to come back at a later date when she feels she has a bit more distance from the nasty comments. I think its easy to say she should just ignore them or not let them win as I think the down side of being creative is that you are more sensitive. You only need to look at the depression thread to see how many of us struggle with this. Sometimes even against our better judgement the comments of a stranger can really sting. I got a bit of a tongue lashing of someone recently and the logical part of me was saying to myself, its just one person who doesn't know me and I don't know them, etc.... But unfortunately my brain wasn't playing ball that day and it just made me feel stupid and really horrible about myself. I feel a bit of a fool admitting this but I was in tears and had to give it a day or two before I could read it again and responded.

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i hope she comes back...
and the downside of creative could be being sensitive, i was toughened up (read: teased/picked on/annoyed) by my brother for years. i'm used to annoying people because of that, and i'm less sensitive to rude comments. i'm glad about that^^

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