1712 replies since 9th December 2008 • Last reply 9th December 2008


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[url=http://www.glitter-graphics.com][img]http://dl7.glitter-graphics.net/pub/696/696757oiwxmshr8n.gif[/img][/url] I wish you all a merry christmas day... I have to start cooking right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^*g*

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i love the christmas pic Jessayah X]

NOO MICHELLE POOR CAMERA!! Is there any way to fix it?

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wow what a night. Lillian is a heavy sleeper, last night was the first night ever that she rolled off her bed. We were watching some late night tv when we hear a loud boom, we at first thought it was the neighbor's son playing with his weights but we went ahead and checked Lillian since Emma was sleeping out in the living room.

We go to find her on the floor in her room. I put her back in bed after cuddling with her, figure she bumped her head good and just wanted love on her to let her know everything was okay. After I got her in bed I went back to the living room. Not even ten minutes later she comes out of her room. I am thinking she would like some water so I tell her to go sit on her bed while I got it.

I come back in the room she is holding her head and crying, I ask her to put her hand down so I can see her owie. Thats when I saw her blonde hair tinted red. I freaked out. She had a gash on her head and she was bleeding. How could I not see it before?

I got her dressed and myself and we rushed to the emergency room. The doctors where very nice to her and gave her popcycles and stickers. They cleaned out the gash and they were talking about stitching it and saw how scared lillian got. The head of the emergency room came in and suggested a new technique.

They took very thin strands of Lillian's hair and tied the gash closed. I was amazed! We then were released 2 hours later and got home at 3am. I let her sleep in this morning and she is acting like nothing had happen, she is more happy that she got all these stickers from the doctors. Happy

Well this Christmas is going to have a story for years to come. I love my Lillian she was so brave and was just great with the doctors.

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Wow sug that's quite a story. I am really annoyed at my comp right now, it won't connect to the interwebs no matter what I do. And I know that the problem is with the computer cuz I'm posting this just fine from mi iPod. Gr.

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I'm glad she's ok! Amazing with the hair thing!

I'm actually really bored today and it's xmas!

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Were about to eat Xmas lunch yum!
I'm not bored, I'm watching my little brother play on the xbox 360
Oooh I got really nice-smelling perfume and lipgloss and new clothes so I feel very pretty.
And I got a new celly, the palm centro in blue w00t.

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I've not had that good a xmas Happy its not even felt like xmas! And now I have to try to get through 5 more weeks of full time work and I'm worried the college course won't work out...i need a bath with one of my lush ballistics!!! (got tonnes with birthday money and some for xmas!)

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I neeeed a job...I am bored now that I have gradumacated and have no school....argh!!

Sugar, I'm glad Lillian is okay!

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I am glad Lillian is ok

I have new camera, but miss my old one

I need to find a job

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ME NO LIKE PEOPLE. They are so stupid and rude!

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well, queenie, that sucks Happy im feeling unloved. Lol.

ARG! my boyfriend *shakes head* he buys games that ill challenge him, than yells at the game the whole time cause it wont let him win..... like, seriously, why did you buy it, if it pissesyou off.

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yup, men are dum

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I mean people as a whole, some people are nice lol

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well we know that, its just those super cranky people who don't pay attention to things like rules and regulations

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