Does anyone have acne tips?

24 replies since 2nd October 2010 • Last reply 2nd October 2010

Witchhazel is the best. and cheap like 88cents.
Lots of water and sweating helps me. Also if your face is oily don't use hot water use warm cause the hot strips the natural oils and causes your body to produce more.
Have you ever tried steaming your face over a hot basin of water? this then astringent right after helps me.
Also try cutting back on the animal products when I went vegan my face cleared up pronto. Happy good luck~ I know how frustrating acne is.

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I used to have the most disgusting lie . It was awful and i was dead self concious but i started using sudo crem (yes i know used mainly for babies bottoms) but seriously before you go to bed put sudo crem all over your face (: and in the morning it should have cleared a little it gets rid of some of the harshness on your skin and just keep using it and should begin to clear a little and as for facial wash. Lemon soap Happy Personally i think the stuff is amazing. I have bad skin and it clears it up right away and it only cost me like £2.00. You can get it from the body shop. I hope this helps. (:

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Food has never succuesfully been linked to acne. Water is always good though becuase it helps things move around and out of the body. Crying and eating (stress) isn't good but life does that sometimes.

I used to have bad acne; on my face, chest and back. But it is going away! MAHAHAHA Also same age as you Jess S. This is what works for me.

I use baby face cleanser and celestial moisturizer from Lush. Garnier Fresh toner which is alcohol free. Also I have been on birth control for a few years this also helps control the hormones that can create acne or stress and all that great stuff. (Of course consult your doctor or a doctor about this) I'd say with a toner find one that is alcohol free because you don't want to dry your skin out too much or it just produces more oil to make up for being dry. Oh, and if your skin is dry and oily you should wash it less becuase over washing causes more stress on the skin. I personaly do the full routine in the morning and just cleanse my face before I go to bed. So no toner and no moisturizer before I sleep. Your skin shouldn't feel tight and dry after washing it. Hope this helps and good luck with the acne battle.

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drink a ton of water! Also only wash your face with water in the morning, and make sure you moisturize REALLY well Also, if your skin is dry and has a lot of skin build up,it can help with acne try this scrub:
1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of olive oil
1/2 cup of honey

its really nice. I do it in the shower every 3 days or so

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I tried literally everything to clear mine up and the only thing that has helped is birth control

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diet change can also help alot

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i have the same problem! but its much better now,cuz i started using a soap called neutrogena.(hope i spelled it right) anyway,u can find it in any pharmacy.just use it for a few days and u'll see a huge difference. it really worked on me and hope it works on you too! hope i helped! Happy

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i have the same problem! but its much better now,cuz i started using a soap called neutrogena.(hope i spelled it right) anyway,u can find it in any pharmacy.just use it for a few days and u'll see a huge difference. it really worked on me and hope it works on you too! hope i helped! Happy

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Quite a lot of posts. I don't know if anyone said this before, but toothpaste can make it worse over time Happy
I don't have any acne, but maybe good face masks every week work some too?

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The last time I got a really bad breakout (about 2-3 years ago), I mixed up an avocado mask. 1/2 of an avocado, mashed, 2 tbsp honey, and 2 tbsp powdered milk. Left it on my face for 15 minutes then rinsed it off with warm water and a mild soap and it helped a ton.

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