Shameless self-advertising

'ello folks and folkettes,

I have no clue if this is the right spot to do this, but I kinda wanted to present my blog on here (since you craft guys might actually be able to appreciate the content x) ).

It's not much yet, basically it's still a toddler of blogs, but I'm hoping to go somewhere fun with this. Have a look around and don't mind the design, I think I'm gonna change that later on...


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5 replies since 25th November 2013 • Last reply 25th November 2013

Yeah, it looks like a nice blog Happy Just the writing isn't very easy to read, but that's the only thing ^^

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I liked the background for your blog a lot! The recipe for the leek casserole looks delicious I'll have to try it sometime. I had a difficult time commenting because I do not speak that language but I figured it out! You should check out my blog of crafty/recipe/activist campaigns at:

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So, wait, I have this fancy font that I use for the headlines and the first post, but the font in all the other posts should be a standard one. At least that's how it looks for me. Nobody Special, are you seeing this fancy curvy font everywhere? That would be very confusing. :/

And to Elfin Adventure: Yay, my first comment haha. Thanks. I'm gonna try and see if I can change the language of the automatic links to english... I thought I had done that already.

Anyways, thanks so much for your feedback. I'm hoping to get some more content in there in the next days.

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it's a good blog for starters. mine is old and not much better (even more shameless) xD here is mine

you're from Germany? I live there Happy

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Okay, so eve though you were all very positive on the design, I changed it around a lot today. I think now it has more of the feel I was going for.

Now it really just needs way more input.

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