
I don't know how many people will be willing to do this.

But here's the secrets formspring.

Feel free to get things off your chest, and then the most interesting secrets will be up for discussion on the board.

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16 replies since 14th May 2011 • Last reply 14th May 2011

Sounds fun Happy I just don't want to be first ... Tongue

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I always talk about how amazing leaving for university will be but I'm actually terrified.

It was me who farted at practise. I'm sorry.

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As more people post I'll have to be more select but these are the ones I've got so far.

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i sent my secret : ) or : ( as the case may be.

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I still love watching Spongebob.

i just found out i am adopted but have to act like i don't know...because my brother was snooping through my fathers papers. i wasn't actually told directly by my father.

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nice idea!

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I really was the one who stuck gum in her hair...and I'm still not that sorry she was sort of a bitch Happy

I totally still pick my nose. I know it's gross but I figure the gold nuggets are mine anyway.

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I would marry Mork, from Mork and Mindy, if I could. Not Robin Williams, just Mork the character.

I pick my nose all the time too!

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OMG pick your nose too LOL.

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That wasn't me! It was one of the secrets, promise

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I had some akward moments in my life like a bomb threat in the supermarket where I worked, but I'm too scared to talk about it. I'm afraid people will say that I shouldn't bother, that there are worse things that could happen.

I'm crazy in love with my boyfriend but terrified about long-term relationships

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I have a major crush on a guy...who doesnt even know I exsist! Happy

I contract my abs all the time for more than 9 years now(flatter belly) and now i can't realy relax my abs because I'm not comfortable anymore

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That last one, wow! That's a lot of effort. I wonder if it payed off

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