Jewelry Making Shopping List.

So I want to start making Jewelry but I have no idea what would be some good items to buy to get started...Just kinda wondering what my beginner shopping list should look like..

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6 replies since 6th May 2011 • Last reply 6th May 2011

Beads of your choice always make it a good selection.
Seed Beads.
Beading needles
Nylon thread.
Elastic thread.
Pliers (round nose and flat nose)
wire cutters
Headpins and Eyepins
Jump rings
Cords and threads of all different types
wire a few different gauges
ear wires
It depends really on what sort of jewellery you want to make this covers basic stringing necklaces and charm bracelets and earrings.

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also always look for old jewellery and unusual materials that you can use as cheap beads like old buttons, fabrics and it recycles stuff that is otherwise doomed to be thrown away

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Thanks that totally helpful I went to the store today and I was like lost in confussion and had no idea what to get so this is most def a help and the old jewelry is such a good idea!


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Also, don't forget about storage and an efficient workspace. What you can do if you don't want beads going all over the place is lay down a towel to stop them from moving around.

A bead reamer may prove useful if you won't be working with small glass beads.

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Glad to help Happy xx

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Thanks everyone this is so helpfull I was just a bit overwhelmed and didnt know where to get started...Happy

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