I'm myself everyday all day, i plan on having multiple careers, life loves to throw terrible obstacles my way but nothing's going to stop me from overcoming them all.
things that i love(:
- BLOOD! horror<3
- Kupkakes of kourse (going to own my own bakery someday)
- doggies (mainly german shperds & huskies)
- fashion<3
- tutus, rainbow items, bows, & jewelery
- helping people
- robots, dinosaurs, zombies, vampires<333
- the colors red & black
- all tim burton movies
- all disney movies
- disneyland! (go at least twice a week)
- writing
- singing
- music, music, MUSIC( wayyy too many bands to ever list)
- finding new ways to do things(:
- this website<33333
I'm extremely komplicated & i wouldn't have it any other wayyy(:
things that i love(:
- BLOOD! horror<3
- Kupkakes of kourse (going to own my own bakery someday)
- doggies (mainly german shperds & huskies)
- fashion<3
- tutus, rainbow items, bows, & jewelery
- helping people
- robots, dinosaurs, zombies, vampires<333
- the colors red & black
- all tim burton movies
- all disney movies
- disneyland! (go at least twice a week)
- writing
- singing
- music, music, MUSIC( wayyy too many bands to ever list)
- finding new ways to do things(:
- this website<33333
I'm extremely komplicated & i wouldn't have it any other wayyy(:
Find Little Miss Kupkake<3 on
Recent Activity
- favorited Kawaii Cat Headband 30 Nov 07:51
- posted a post to What could I make and sell in school? 08 Oct 03:32
- favorited Marianas Trench Stenciled Sweater 24 Aug 00:04
- favorited Rainbow Truffles 23 Mar 01:20
- favorited Bow Headband 23 Mar 01:12
- followed Emily 23 Mar 01:07
- favorited The Ultimate Birthday Cake Cupcakes 21 Mar 00:16
- posted a post to About selling on etsy & how paypal works? 20 Mar 23:54
- favorited The Nightmare Before Christmas Charm Bracelet 07 Nov 08:07
- favorited Lyric Poster 28 Aug 16:17
- commented on her comment omggggg!!!!!! if i knew how to make one i so wouldddd!!!!<33333333333333333333 to Fleece Dino Hat 23 Jun 21:42
- commented on her comment lol yeahh i loved it & also the new star tours ride is pretty amazing as well, i like their new parade too! :D to Art Princess 09 Jun 23:26
Joined 2011

Holmfirth, England, GB
97 projects
Thanks for the fave on my cupcake dress! Love your cupcake accessories

Art Princess
San Diego, California, US
8 projects
Last time I went, they were letting people preview the Little Mermaid ride so I got to go on it, and I agree, it was awesome!!!
I WISH I could go twice a week, I don't live close enough:'( That would break our bank with gas money lol The drive from where I live is like an hour and half, which isn't far for once a month, but unfortunately is for more than that:/ You're lucky!!!
I can't wait to go on the new Star Tours!!!!

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
Thanks for adding me xo

Art Princess
San Diego, California, US
8 projects
Thank you so much for your comment on my "It's not his anymore" shirt!
I like the colors too, which is why I claimed it as my own once my husband grew out of it haha Glad you liked it!