
I'm not online here anymore, so please don't expect me to write back.
Thank you!


SyntheticStars · Eastleigh, England, GB · 31 projects
Sad to see that someone so talented isn't here anymore Happy
JessayahX · Frankfurt, Hesse, DE · 26 projects
huhu ^^ na lebst du noch? so lang nix mehr gesehen und nix mehr gehört?..
Oder einfach nur kreative Schaffenspause? *g*
Liebes Grüssle

CO + K User

Hallö und guten Abend!
Ich sitz seit stunden am Pc und schau mir alle Projekte durch...und stelle fest,du hast wirklich tolle Ideen *seufz*
Hab mich auf den ersten Blick in 'Sepp' verguckt...aber wo ist das How-To hin?Gibt es vielleicht noch eine Möglichkeit,eine Beschreibung zu erhalten???Das wäre rieeeesig >_<
Gruß Shiru
Crafter Monkey
Crafter Monkey · Bolton, England, GB · 6 projects
I love your ideas, your blondie bag is especially fabulous.
Tizzalicous · Netherlands Antilles, NL · 4 projects
How exciting! She looks like a beauty! Happy
Shivi · Perth, Western Australia, AU · 14 projects
I ♥ blythe's I really want one but they're super expensive.
I ♥ your doll, I mean Siobhan Happy
Tizzalicous · Netherlands Antilles, NL · 4 projects
Oooh, how exciting! Happy

I nmever heard of plasticpop before! I just had a look, that's pretty cool! Happy

Aaah yes, I love my little redhead! Happy
Tizzalicous · Netherlands Antilles, NL · 4 projects
Hi! Thanks for your comment! Did you already buy your Blythe doll, and is she on her way? Or do you still need to buy one? Which one are you getting?
JessayahX · Frankfurt, Hesse, DE · 26 projects
huhu ^^ Dankeschön*rotwerd* ^^ Ich fang grad an und will einen kleinen Onlineshop mit meinen Hamaperlen etc. einrichten...Seid dem WE hab ich auch endlich wieder eine Nähmaschine,dann werden die Stiche auch nicht so krumm und schief ^^ *ggg*
Heute bin ich für die nächste Zeit mal wieder auf Mini Hamaperlen umgestiegen die sind ja für Schmuck besser...aber so mini das ich bald blind werde *lol* Tongue
Liebes grüssle Lua
JessayahX · Frankfurt, Hesse, DE · 26 projects
hehe...ja ich bin ein Groupie ^^ *lol* :-P
Ich hab hier glaub ich stundenlang alle Projekte angeschaut und find deine aber wirklich echt klasse...Ich bin eigentlich rund um die Uhr am designen und irgentwelche diy sachen machen...da kann ich garnicht genug von sehen ^^
Ich bin aufjedenfall ein grosser Fan von Dir ^^ *g* *rotwerd*
JessayahX · Frankfurt, Hesse, DE · 26 projects
Hey ^^ Danke für´s Freunde sein ^^ Schön hier mal nicht alles in Englisch zu schreiben ^^ *ggg*
Liebes Grüssle
Grace D
Grace D · London, GB · 83 projects
Well I cant seem to find mob-podge anywhere so I just use PVA glue and water mixed together, do you have msn??
Grace D
Grace D · London, GB · 83 projects
Oh right yes, I tried to copy you on the accesories, but i could not make it go on proppery, and when it did, it dried and went all poofy, tell me how you did it, im doing a bangle Happy
Grace D
Grace D · London, GB · 83 projects
Lets punch it lol
LOOVEE your projects-
I was going to say something
And I forgot, tell you later Happy
Shivi · Perth, Western Australia, AU · 14 projects
how was your day? Happy
I'll check out the books- I've seen the movie of fast food nation which I didn't like- it was quite crude but I'm sure the book will be better- they always are!
At the moment I'm reading a book called How to Save the Planet.
The reason I write tester is to view the top comment on my profile coz it shows up blank- god it's annoying me- I've told Cat and Tom so hopefully they'll get it fixed. Maybe next time I'll just wite IGNORE.
JuliaFuentes · Hermosillo, Sonora, MX · 2 projects
hii :]
i really love your proyects
marrory · Greenland, GL · 2 projects
Hey there!
Thanks for the wall post, your my first hah.
And I absolutely love your projects by the way, I actually just made the button brooches.

And i just posted my *new* and first project, Tie Dye Jeans, check it out!
Shivi · Perth, Western Australia, AU · 14 projects
Oh,I forgot,my name is pronounced Sha-von or Sha-vaun
God, that's sad, I don't even know which way to pronounce my name!
The main reason I hate my name is coz no-one can pronounce it! I have to explain to everyone on how to pronounce it and it's super embarrassing,especially when it's called out wrong at school assembely's. Oh and then I'll get the odd idiot who'll purposely say it wrong, sometimes my friends say it purposely wrong as well-that really gets me down.
As soon as high school ends I'm changing my name- no matter what! Mainly coz I'll be old enough and if I changed it in highschool, I'd probably get teased and it'd be really awkward.
in case you're wondering- my name is irish and to make matters worse my Grandma has the same name and I hate her!
Shivi · Perth, Western Australia, AU · 14 projects
I'm going to post some how-to's soon-a special type of badge and something to do with buttons. Sorry-I can't give too much away!
I seem to always be mid-way through projects coz I'm missing something so i can't finish it off or I'm lacking time,etc.
I'm going to band camp tomorrow so I won't be able to post any projects for a week. I'll be posting some versions of people's how-to's as well.
Shivi · Perth, Western Australia, AU · 14 projects
hey! I saw that your online right now, so what are you up to? oh, must mention, I love the mickey mouse bracelet!
Cat Morley
Cat Morley · London, GB · 1432 projects
Hehe, that's okay. You have so many awesome projects, you are awesomely crafty Happy
Shivi · Perth, Western Australia, AU · 14 projects
Wow! Someone's been busy! ♥ your proijects!
Please be my friend! lol, I'm such a suck-up!