I love things that require creativity - music, sewing, coloring, photography. I like playing soccer, bass guitar, designing and sewing things. Designing and sewing is my main hobby right now and I'm excited and hopeful about getting better! I love this site and seeing other people's creations.
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EtsyRecent Activity
- followed CrAzY NeLLy 22 Aug 05:57
- followed Ezme 02 Jul 15:04
- followed Georgia Sakura 28 May 01:06
- commented on their comment thanks for all your comments. and i get my hair cut by Dexter at Head and Soul Salon in SF, if you're ever in the area. to Modern Ballerina 05 May 22:46
- commented on their comment hehe, thanks. yeah it's a really nice kitchen, my dad's though. to Modern Ballerina 01 May 21:37
- commented on their comment I don't really do tutorials because I don't have a set pattern, I just work from trial and error. sorry~ to Silver Top 18 Feb 19:55
- commented on their comment hehe, thanks. you too!! to Chelsea K. 14 Feb 23:14
- commented on their comment It's pretty much just a pretty and thick fabric made into a long scarf that you can wrap around your waist. The hard part is the bow. to Obi 13 Feb 03:05
- commented on their comment really, no one has made anything from scratch? Yeah, I was thinking of doing "how to"s but it's all sort of trial and error. When I get better, I definitely will. to Chelsea K. 13 Feb 00:45
- commented on their comment yeah, I sewed and designed each one. :) to Purses 11 Feb 05:14
- followed Chelsea K. 11 Feb 02:13
- followed Brendan Oh. 12 Jul 16:14
Joined 2008

Claremont, California, US
18 projects
I soooooo love your tops.

Claremont, California, US
18 projects
hi im nelly!! I love your Pirate Pandi Scarf. and my stuff is still loading it'll be up tomorow.

Chelsea K.
Fargo, North Dakota, US
8 projects
OHHHH Happy Happy Valentines Day to YOUUUUU....

Chelsea K.
Fargo, North Dakota, US
8 projects
I lied I found one girl that makes tank tops...

Chelsea K.
Fargo, North Dakota, US
8 projects
People have made things from scratch but so far I haven't seen anything clothing wise thats made from scratch. It's always a t-shirt thats to big or a pair of jeans made into something

Chelsea K.
Fargo, North Dakota, US
8 projects
When you get better? Thats really sad because i suck way more than you do lol. Plus if you can make a shirt you dont suck believe me! You should make a how-to on that obi to it looks really cool

Chelsea K.
Fargo, North Dakota, US
8 projects
Your talented first one on here thats made clothes from scratch. You should make some how to's especially on that orange bag and silver top *wink wink*

Courtney Couture
Keller, Texas, US
20 projects
ooh you like school of rock!