
Well I figure it is about time to fill it in so here I go. I am 41 years old, I have 2 sons 13 (EEEEK) and 11, and I am recently divorced. Shortly after my ex husband left I rekindled and old flame with my sons Father. We are currently cohabiting and hope to be married soon. I am finding myself currently with his help and guidance as my ex made me what he wanted and was very controlling. Demon allows me to be me and encourages me to be myself and do what makes me happy. I have been a practicing witch for 23 years, but due to the ex I abandoned that as well. No longer do I have to hide anything or be ashamed of my beliefs. So I have ditched Betty homemaker, found my Goddess again, and have gone full fledged Goth. I have no plans of looking back or conforming again for anyone. Thank you Demon for opening my eyes!!!!
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