I'm a vegetarian quaker who lives in the democratic bubble of a primarily republican state, North Carolina. Despite that, or maybe because of that, I avoid arguments, especially political ones, as much as possible. I sew, crochet, knit(badly), and make wallets and other things with paper and clear packaging tape. I've also used natural and kool-aide dyes and had way too much fun with them. I'm a mildly introverted overly cheerful highschooler who spends her life crafting, reading, and avoiding large groups of people. I have fun.
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- commented on their comment :) I love it. I might just make another with a comic book, now that I've seen it done. I hadn't even considered that. Lovely job. You sewed it by hand? How hard was that? The disadvantage with stick on velcro is it comes off pretty easily, especially i... to Romance Novel Wallet 21 Jul 01:53
- commented on their comment What two patterns? Gorgeous! to Tmnt Dress 24 Jan 02:42
- commented on their comment Ooh, may I steal your idea for something else? I'm a band geek who is friends with a bunch of other band geeks who would LOVE this. to Bass and Treble Clef Heart 05 Jan 13:47
- commented on their comment BEAUTIFUL. Any chance of a very brief explanation? After you wove the ribbons, how did you hold them together as you sewed, and where did you sew? Sooooo pretty. I LOVE lime green. to Woven Pillow 05 Jan 13:45
- commented on their comment Just go to the thrift shop, or any used bookstore. I promise they will have tons and they will be the least expensive things in the store. to Romance Novel Wallet 05 Jan 02:57
- commented on their comment That's pretty awesome. I'm going to have to try that. to Bloomers! 05 Jan 02:55
- commented on their comment If you do make one, could you please send me a picture? I could give you my email, or maybe there is some way you could send it to me on this site. I just really want to see other people's versions. to Romance Novel Wallet 04 Jan 23:18
- followed Darling Niki 23 Nov 22:18