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- commented on their comment How did you get the prints like that so nice on the hot coco? I tried that once with a piece of paper with a heart cut out but it didn't come out as nice as that. to Horror Nibbles 12 Oct 03:45
- commented on their comment "Cat Morley Avatar a few seconds ago Just wanted to give you the heads up. Comments don't need to be approved before they appear on here, so your comment on the I Heart Mac N Cheese competition is viewable to everyone - do you want it deleted?" ... to Cat Morley 07 Jan 19:08
- commented on their comment and this is my new way of making the fireplace look snazzy! Take some garland and wrap lights around them and drape them across your fireplace, so your fireplace looks like it's glowing without a fire. :) Note: Magic, and Mia are my pets... I coul... to Merry Christmas America 03 Jan 00:55
- commented on their comment Ok well this is my tree and my dog Mia. to Merry Christmas America 03 Jan 00:51
- commented on their comment Funky Bag (broken zipper) MP3 Player (handmade bunny case) Wallet Watch (broken watchband - Had this for 10 years now) Train Schedule to NYC Hair Scrunchy (Never leave without it!) Canon Camera-bag + Camera (Always great to have a camera with you... to I Heart Mac N Cheese 02 Jan 22:11
- followed Elizabeth M. 26 Nov 22:19
- followed Zsanica 22 Nov 08:45
- commented on their comment Thank you so much for making another podcast!!! I love it <3 to Snippets Issue 7 23 Oct 16:59
Saint Gem hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2007

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
I've removed it.

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
Just wanted to give you the heads up. Comments don't need to be approved before they appear on here, so your comment on the I Heart Mac N Cheese competition is viewable to everyone - do you want it deleted?